quarta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2009

Star Inc. Article

A lovely vampire: He is young, beautiful and mysterious. And he is the new Hollywood’s idol since he portrays the irresistible vampire Edward Cullen in the movie Twilight. Zoom on an actor who just kissed anonymity goodbye…

SI: Many of your fans see your character in you. Tell us, who is the real Robert Pattinson?
RP: I’m a lot more boring and less fascinating than Edward, that’s for sure. I love to read and my passion is music. When I’m not shooting, I perform in little pubs where nobody knows who I am. My ideal would be to be like Van Morrison in his beginnings. I’m obsessed with his first albums.

SI: Do you consider yourself like the good looking guy that everyone is talking about?
RP: Not at all! I stopped auditioning for months because I was not self-confident. When I read Twilight, I didn’t see me at all as Edward. We describe him as someone with a sublime body, while I’m… Let’s just say that I don’t have «chocolate bar» abs! And I could not think about spending four hours a day in a gym. I was one of the last to pass the audition and I didn’t believe in it at all.

SI: Do you like bodybuilding now?
RP: No, I hate it!

SI: People say that you’re hiding your girlfriend. Is that true?
RP: I don’t want to get exposed, because I’m not looking for celebrity. At 16 I began to think about what I wanted to do with my life. To be on covers of magazines was not something on my list.

SI: How do you succeed in not succumbing to some of your charming fans? You have millions of them now
RP: It’s weird because the girls who recognize me are 12 or 35 years old. I think Twilight fans are pretty much preteens and there mothers. I didn’t meet a girl of my age yet who told me she loved my part as Edward. It helps to keep my feet on the ground.

SI: American press presents you as Orlando Bloom’s successor, the new British guy who gets the teenagers attention. What do you think about that?
RP: It’s strange, because I don’t see myself as a star, not for a second. I have a specific idea of the career I want to have and I promised myself that I will not take part in a movie, without interests, only for the money. Keep this interview; someday you’ll be able to tease me when I accept a part in a trashy movie just to get a big check! (laughs)

SI: How did you plan the future when you were 17 years old, Edward’s age in Twilight?
RP: I used to have a diary in which I was writing all my thoughts. I used it from the age of 15 until I was 20. It was a book in which I would write scenarios, ideas, as well as memories. Maybe I should burn it now…

SI: What kind of boy were you?
RP: I was shy, withdrawn and I didn’t have any self-esteem. The year when I was 17 was one of the worst of my life, because I was searching for my place.

SI: So this diary describes also your love stories?
RP: Yes. I fell in love only two times in my life. I had a great love story for 3 years.

SI: Your messy hair started a new fashion… Was it your idea?
RP: It’s the funniest thing that ever happened to me! I never thought that look would be such a big deal! I wanted my hair to be like..when I jump out of bed. (laughter) I hate to sit for an hour to get my hair and my makeup done. So I proposed to shoot without makeup and to keep my hair as it looks when I wake up. I thought it was perfect to get into the skin of a vampire.

SI: And today?
RP: It’s completely insane! A hairdresser is following me everywhere, and he makes sure that my hair has this messy look before every public appearance. I wanted something simple, but I think I blew it!

SI: What about your eyes? They are so special in the movie.
RP: Wearing contact lenses is the most terrible thing I had to endure to be Edward. I have very sensitive eyes and it was a daily torture to put those lenses on every morning. I was waking up at 4am to suffer this living death. It was like having sand in my eyes all day long.

SI: Are your ready to wear those contact lenses for the next three movies?
RP: Never! I already told the producers they had to find something else more practical… They can change the color of my eyes with some special effect! I don’t ever want to see those damned lenses again! (laughter)

SI: Would you like to be immortal like your character?
RP: No. Maybe I’m too young to realise the joy of an eternal life, but I’m not afraid of getting old or to die. Ask me again on my deathbed; maybe I’ll answer differently at that moment.

SI: Do you understand the fascination that people have for vampires?
RP: Yes because I like to drink my own blood. Or course I would not bite someone else to drink his, but I have the reflex to put my finger in my mouth when I get a cut for example. Blood doesn’t bother me, so I can help someone who’s bleeding… without thinking about drinking what’s flowing! (laughter)

SI: What’s coming in 2009?
RP: My only wish for 2009 is to shave my head, but I don’t think the Twilight producers would agree to it! (laughs)

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